Serucell Awarded BEST IN BEAUTY by ASK US MAGAZINE at the 2025 Red Event!

Naomi Sebu, 46

Naomi Sebu for Serucell Societe

Who she thinks is aging well

“My mother is my role model. She looks incredible for being 66—not a wrinkle in sight. She always told me to use good skincare, and I have followed her advice. She also takes very good care of herself by eating well, exercising, having a positive outlook and leading with love. And I think Christy Turlington-Burns, Sandra Bullock, Halle Berry, Cindy Crawford, Gwyneth Paltrow, Salma Hayek, Diane Lane, Michelle Obama, Diana Ross, Vanessa Williams, Jaclyn Smith, Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts—to name a few!—also make aging look pretty great.”

Her skincare strategy 

“I am trying to focus on using more eco-friendly, sustainable products that are non-toxic, cruelty free, and organic. But most of all, I want them to perform—to actually do something. This is one reason I really like Serucell. The ingredients in the serum are naturally derived—but it has totally changed my skin. I’ve been using it since January of this year and, at first, I didn’t see much change. But then, as the weeks went by, I noticed my skin texture improving, then the overall color tone of my skin was more even. And when it came to my daily makeup routine, I was using less and less makeup on my skin because I just didn’t need it. People are always complimenting me on how incredible my skin looks. I think, the longer you use Serucell, the more your skin improves. It’s like anti-aging magic in a bottle.”

How she de-stresses

“I love to get massages whenever possible. I also go out to dinners and drinks with my dearest friends or just lay on my couch and catch up on Real Housewives, my guilty pleasure.”

Her beauty obsession 

“Skincare—my facial cleanser, refreshing face spray, eye cream, Serucell, weekly masks, microdermabrasion scrubs! More than haircare and makeup, I don’t want to imagine life without my skincare.”

Her words to live by 

“I am my own muse, I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better” —Frida Kahlo

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