Chris Boneau, 62

Chris Boneau for Serucell Societe - PR

Three words he would use to describe himself

“Energetic. Enthusiastic. Positive.”

On his lucky genes

“My father has smooth skin, better than anyone in his family. And I’ve managed to maintain a boyish demeanor too. People rarely think I am the age I am. Part of it is genetics, but I’ve also been really careful about my skin for the last twenty years. Once I could afford it, I started to buy better skincare products and I’ve always been a big water drinker. Guzzling water was not a thing when I was growing up in Southeast Texas, but I was a runner for many years so I needed the water on those long runs and developed the habit. I think it’s made a difference.”

What he does when he’s not working

“I love being at my country house and playing with my dogs. And I enjoy reading, especially fiction, though lately I’ve been into political nonfiction and biographies like Michelle Obama’s Becoming and The Threat by Andrew McCabe.”

Who he thinks is aging well

“I’m a big admirer of the way George Clooney is aging. He’s handsome, of course, but I like that he has gone grey. I think it’s a big mistake when men dye their hair. It usually looks terrible and doesn’t match their skin tone.”

On the importance of routine skin checks

“I do see a dermatologist regularly—not for cosmetic treatments, just to check for mole irregularities or other sun damage. I do worry about skin cancer. In Southeast Texas, as children, we were pushed out into the sun and told don’t come back until dark. I had many sunburns growing up, but, so far, my dermatologist says I’m okay.”

His daily skincare regimen

“I wash my face twice a day, then I use Serucell, which I love. In the morning, sometimes when I am very dry, I might also use a moisturizer from Dr. Hauschka on top of the Serucell. And morning and night I use an eye gel I’m addicted to, but they’ve stopped selling in the United States, so I bought a bunch of jars online and squirreled them away.”

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